From the world's largest archipelago Indonesia to the second largest: The Philippines! More than 7,100 islands of possible fun within a beach paradise with the most positive and funny people I have ever met! Really, every single Filipino I met had the brightest possible smile and a great sense of humor.

My itinerary in the Philippines started on Palawan, which is regularly voted among the most beautiful islands on Earth. It is indeed an island paradise with the most beautiful beaches I have seen so far in my life. I visited the provincial capital Puerto Princesa, Port Barton, a few villages on the west side and breathtaking El Nido.

From Palawan I took a flight to Luzon, the largest and most populous island of the Philippines. I traveled to Baguio ("summer capital of the Philippines"), Sagada, Banaue with it's spectacular UNESCO rice terraces and the national capital & megacity of Manila at the end. 

The Philippines feel totally different than other countries in that region. Mostly because of religion (most Filipinos are Christians) and a lot because of their colonial history (they were occupied by Spain and the US for a long time). Everyone speaks at least basic English there which makes it super easy to connect with locals. Manila was the only big city in Asia where I had small dangerous situations. Besides of that I had an amazing time there and made a great friendship with Altich (I can't wait to visit you again in Mindanao my friend!).

My 30 days visa was gone pretty fast and I booked a flight to Taiwan which got canceled due to the outbreak of an infamous virus called COVID-19. I changed my flight to Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia to ride out that virus situation for a couple of weeks. Jesus, how much could I be wrong with that? At least I was lucky enough to enter Malaysia before border closings. 

5 Highlights:
- Kayaking El Nido, Palawan
- 3-day hike from village to village in rice terraces of Banaue, Luzon
- Couchsurfing a week with Bans in beautiful Baguio, Luzon
- Exploring Manila with Altich and visiting his mom for a dinner, Luzon
- Hiking the pine forests around Sagada, Luzon 

Visited places in the Philippines


Military parade in a park in Manila

Ice cream with bread

National Museum, Manila

Altich showing me Manila

Hiking around Banaue 

You use the water system as a hiking path through rice fields

Plenty of dogs stopping me from passing by 

A typical village house between rice fields

Hiking in the forests of Sagada

Hanging coffins on a cliff in Sagada

Small charming town of Sagada

My amazing Couchsurfing Host cooked my favorite Filipino dish for me: Chicken Adobo

Hills of Baguio

Amazing view above the city of Baguio

With Simon and our new friend

Kayaking El Nido with Simon 

Seafood feast on a boat

Amazing beaches of Palawan

Selling coconuts on sea

What a place to be alive

Port Barton, Palawan

Night out with Altich in Puerto Princesa

Famous red horse buckets

Departing from Palawan

Arriving in Metro Manila